

yarn add @build-tracker/build@latest
# or
npm install --save @build-tracker/build@latest


Construct a new build by passing it both the build's BuildMeta and array of Artifacts:

new Build({
revision: '1234567',
parentRevision: 'abcdefg',
timestamp: 1577038148378,
branch: 'main',

Useful Methods

The following is a short selection of useful methods provided by the Build class.


Returns a JSON representation of the Build.

get Build.meta(): BuildMeta

Get a JSON representation of the full metadata of a Build.

get Build.timestamp(): Date

Get a Date representation of the timestamp from the BuildMeta

getMetaValue(key: string): string

Get the string value of a build meta entry.

getMetaUrl(key: string): string | undefined

Get the URL value of a build meta entry. If one was not provided, this will return undefined.

getSum(artifactNames: Array<string>): ArtifactSizes

Returns an object listing the total sum of the sizes for every key available in ArtifactSizes per the requested array of artifact names.


Get the sum of a specific list of artifacts:

myBuild.getSum(['main', 'vendor', 'shared']);

getTotals(artifactFilters?: Array<RegExp>): ArtifactSizes

Returns an object listing the total sum of the sizes for every key available in ArtifactSizes for all artifacts in a Build.

If the first argument is provided, any artifact name that matches one of the regular expressions in the array will not be included in the sum total.

Filter Example

To filter out any artifact that matches i18n/.* except for the i18n/en artifact:




Build meta includes useful information for identifying the build in your system. This information is visible in the web application's interface.

interface BuildMeta {
// Unique revision identifier. Usually a git SHA
revision: BuildMetaItem;
// Unique parent revision identifier. Usually a git SHA from `git merge-base $revision`.
// This is used for default comparisons
parentRevision: BuildMetaItem;
// DateTime value representing when this build was created
timestamp: number;
// Branch name for this revision. Helps for in-progress work to be filtered from the default UI
branch: BuildMetaItem;
// Any extra information can be provided if you like
[key: string]: BuildMetaItem;

BuildMetaItem: string | { value: string; url: string }

Any build meta item (other than timestamp) can either be a string value or an object containing a string value and a string url.

If a url is included, the web application will link the value to the url.


Every build artifact consists of a name, unique hash of the file for each build, and an object of keyed sizes.

export interface Artifact<AS extends ArtifactSizes> {
// Unique hash of the contents of this artifact.
hash: string;
// Name of this build artifact
name: string;
// Computed sizes of the build artifact
sizes: AS;


Artifacts can have any number of keyed sizes. The defaults provided by the cli are stat, gzip, and brotli.

export interface ArtifactSizes {
// Create your own size calculations, in bytes
// `stat` and `gzip` sizes are most commonly used for web applications
[key: string]: number;