Contributing to Build Tracker

Thank you for your interest in helping out with Build Tracker! This is a project done with joy and care, out of our free time. Before getting started, please familiarize yourself with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

Getting started

Fork and pull the repository from Github. If you're unsure how to fork a repository, read the getting started docs here.

git clone [email protected]:<myuser>/build-tracker.git

Install dependencies

Build Tracker is a monorepo managed by Yarn. Start by installing dependencies for all packages:

cd build-tracker

Make your changes

Always work on features in a separate branch from the main master branch.

git checkout -b my-feature

Now that you're on a branch, make changes directly to the code related to your feature or bug fix.

Ensure to always add tests, preferrably before you start making changes. This helps both you and any future reviewer verify that the code's intentions work correctly.

Run tests using the main script from the root of the repository:

yarn test

Once you've completed your changes and all of your tests pass, commit and push your branch to your fork:

git commit -am "[bugfix] a short description of what I did"
git push

Open a pull request

Finally, open a pull request on the main Build Tracker repository.


The Build Tracker git repository is a monorepo that is composed of many publishable packages. This has been done so that it's easier to iterate on cross-functional dependencies without requiring premature publishing steps.

The tool for managing these packages is Lerna with Yarn workspaces.

Package workspace structure

├── docs
│   ├── blog
│   ├── docs
│   └── static
├── plugins
│   ├── with-mariadb
│   └── with-postgres
└── src
   ├── api-errors
   ├── app
   ├── build
   ├── cli
   ├── comparator
   ├── fixtures
   ├── formatting
   ├── server
   └── types

Source ./src

All core Build Tracker packages reside here.

All folder names should be mapped as the publishable name without the @build-tracker scope. For example: @build-tracker/app is in the path src/app, while @build-tracker/server is at src/server.

Plugins ./plugins

All implementation-specific code for various integrations should be kept here, instead of in the src directory.

All folder names should be mapped as the publishable name without the @build-tracker/plugin- scope. For example: @build-tracker/plugin-with-mariadb is in the path plugins/with-mariadb.

Some local configs are available for development purposes. To use them, it's recommended to use a Docker container, since it's easy to seed and throw away:

docker run -p 3307:3306 --name bt-mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=tacos -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% -e MYSQL_DATABASE=buildtracker -d mariadb --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts setup -c ./config/mariadb.js
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts seed -c ./config/mariadb.js
yarn dev:mariadb
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name bt-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=tacos -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% -e MYSQL_DATABASE=buildtracker -d mysql --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts setup -c ./config/mysql.js
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts seed -c ./config/mysql.js
yarn dev:mysql
docker run --name pg -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=buildtracker -p 54320:5432 -d postgres
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts setup -c ./config/postgres.js
yarn ts-node src/server/src/index.ts seed -c ./config/postgres.js
yarn dev:postgres

Docs ./docs

This directory holds packages related to the documentation website


Here are some things to keep in mind while working in a monorepo:

Adding a dependency to a package

To add a third-party dependency to a sub-package in the Build Tracker repository, ensure that it's done from the specific sub-package using the yarn workspace command:

# To add to the @build-tracker/app package
$ yarn workspace @build-tracker/app add <some-third-party-module>

Don't abstract too early

Repeating code is not inherently bad. If some logic clearly fits in one of the already published packages, that's probably the right place for it. If there isn't a package available for something that is reusable, use your best judgement about complexity and scope of functions to determine if a new package is warranted.


Build Tracker is written in Typescript throughout all workspaces. Please do not add code that is not written in Typescript or change to another language.

Dev environment

To run the development environment, first, run yarn build to prebuild some static sources. Once that is done you can run one of the pre-configured test/dev environments:

  • yarn dev Run the server and application in a hot-reloadable environment using pre-seeded builds on the filesystem
  • yarn dev:large This is the same as yarn:dev, but with a larger dataset. More builds and many more artifacts in each.
  • yarn dev:maria Run the server using a local MariaDB instance (see plugins for more requirements)
  • yarn dev:postgres Run the server using a local Postgres instance (see plugins for more requirements)

Code integrity

The following conformance checks can be run manually and will be automatically run on pre-commit as well as during the pull-request verification flow via Github Actions.

  • yarn lint Lint and auto-format code
  • yarn test Jest tests
  • yarn tsc Typescript type check


Documentation is a great place to get started contributing to the Build Tracker project because writing good docs is difficult. For that reason, your help is always appreciated.

Running the docs locally

To run the documentation with hot reloading from your local machine, simple run:

$ yarn docs
# … webpack may need a moment to build
✔ Client
Compiled successfully in 15.58s
ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:3000/
ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /Users/parmstrong/Development/build-tracker/docs
ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /index.html

Your browser should automatically be opened to the documentation site running locally. If it is not, you can visit http://localhost:3000 (or swap the port 3000 with whatever is on the last line of the output above)

Updating documentation

To update any documentation pages, open the appropriate Markdown files in ./docs/docs. Make any changes you’d like.

Updating other pages

All pages and templates are written with React.js and can be found in src/pages.

Submitting your PR

After your changes look the way you want on your local documentation server. You can close the server down (CTRL+C). Commit your changes to a local feature branch, push them to your fork on GitHub, and open a PR on the Build Tracker repository.

Other help

Build Tracker uses Docusaurus for generating it's docs. If you're unfamiliar with any of the internals of how the docs are built, structured, or how to add a feature to them, the official docs are the best place to start.


  1. yarn build - Build all packages
  2. yarn lerna publish - Lerna will request a new version and publish only the changed packages